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Languages: русский · English · саха тыла · татарча / tatarça

Wikimedia RU

NP «Wikimedia RU» logo

NP «Wikimedia RU» is a legally independent non-profit organization, established to support activities related to development of free encyclopedic, educational and other information, reflecting knowledge accumulated by humanity conducted in the territory of the Russian Federation . The leading project of the kind is free internet-encyclopedia «Wikipedia», whose Russian language edition is one of the main aspects of «Wikimedia RU» activities.

NP «Wikimedia RU» works in tight cooperation with over two dozen organizatios in other countries, as well as Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization supporting a number of freely-distributable content generating Internet-communities, most famous of which is free encyclopedia «Wikipedia».

The idea to establish a non-profit to support Wikipedia's development in the territory of the Russian Federation was born back in 2005, but active preparation work began in late 2007. Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees has approved draft articles of incorporation on the 24th of May 2008 — which is an official birthday of the Russian organization within Wikimedia projects family. NP «Wikimedia RU» was inscribed in the registry of non-profit organizations on the 21st of November 2008, which marked the completion of the legal entity creation procedure.

Non-profit Partnership «Wikimedia RU» is conducting its activities within the territory of the Russian Federation to support and promote development of Wiki-projects in all languages. Main efforts are directed towards projects in Russian and other official languages in the Federation — Osetian, Udmurt, Chuvash, etc. The organization is charged with the following tasks:

  • Providing support to the following Wikimedia Foundation projects:
    • Wikipedia — the free encyclopedia (its Russian language segment, which is among Top-10 language editions, as well as its editions in the languages of people of Russia);
    • Wiktionary — Free dictionary and thesaurus;
    • Wikinews — Joint news articles development & publication platform;
    • Wikibooks — Free education and training materials development project;
    • Wikiquote — Free collection of quotations;
    • Wikisource — Freely distributable textual content library (including historic documents and comments thereto, bibliographies, etc.);
    • Wikiversity — Free platform of interactive education and open research projects;
    • Wikivoyage — Free travel guides and tourism.
    • Wikimedia Commons — Multilingual repository of images and other media files under free licence;

Supporting these projects involves developing contacts with professionals in different fields, organizing project participants' access to archive materials, issuing IDs to photographers, obtaining permission for professional photography and copying activities (paid ones including), gathering and storing documented permissions of authors for their copyrighted material use within Wikipedia, participation in resolving technical tasks to be addressed by the Wikimedia Foundation, etc.

  • Promoting the idea of contributing into free projects, including engaging scholars and industry specialists.
  • Resolving legal issues — such as obtaining necessary and sufficient clarification on publishing in Russia materials under GFDL and other free licences.
  • Helping other organizations in distributing and using materials of Wikimedia projects.
  • Organizing conferences and seminars related to Wikimedia projects' activities.
  • Publishing featured materials of Wikimedia projects — from their Russian language, as well as those of «small wikis» in the languages of Russia.
  • Establishing partnership relations with museums, libraries, secondary and higher education establishments, publishers, Internet Service Providers, search engines, and any other organizations that share NP «Wikimedia RU» goals or can help in making them come true.
  • Establishing partnership relations with payment systems to simplify participation of Russian Federation citizens in Global fundraising campaign to help sustain Wikimedia projects.

NP «Wikimedia RU» welcomes any help in addressing all these tasks in the framework of the global tasks of NP «Wikimedia RU» and «Wikimedia Foundation» — providing free access to the sum of all [humanity's] knowledge .

Wikimedia Foundation


«Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.» is a Non-profit organization supporting material infrastructure serving a number of freely distributable content generating Internet-communities, best known of which is the free encyclopedia «Wikipedia». Foundation activities are donation supported. «Free content» (texts and images, distributed under GFDL, CC-BY(-SA), or those in public domain) and «free code» (software code, distributed under GFDL licence) creation is done by volunteers from all over the world. Wikimedia Foundation was declared on the 20th of June 2003 by Jimmy Wales, the founder of by then existing Wikipedia.

Foundation activities are supported by the network of 38 chapters around the world, themselves operating with the help of volunteers. At the moment chapters existin Australia, Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Hungary, UK, Germany, Hong Kong, Denmark, Israel, India, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, Canada, China (Taiwan), Macao, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, USA (in Washington, DC and in New York), Thailand, the Phillipines, Finland, France, Checz Republic, Chile, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia and Ukraine; a number of organizations are in the process of registration. Despite being named «Chapters», these are all independent organizations united with the «mother» foundation by the common goal — supporting creation and distribution of educational materials under free licence.

See also
