Wiki-Conference 2020

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Wiki-Conference 2020
Saint Petersburg, September 26–27

Общая фотография с Вики-конференции 2020, автор Красный, лицензия CC BY-SA 4.0

About   Venue   Program  

Participants   Results

Wiki-Conference 2020 is the 14th Annual International Forum dedicated to developing Wikimedia projects in the languages of Russia, as well as challenges of free knowledge creation and dissemination overall. The event is being organized by “Wikimedia RU” Non-profit Partnership since 2007. Working language of the conference is Russian.

A scientific conference and a meeting of the like-minded, Annual Wiki-Conference brings together participants of various Wikimedia projects, for reporting & making presentations on on-going and completed projects, exchanging ideas and making new contacts. Wiki-Conference participants have an opportunity to discuss in person a wide spectrum of issues, from free and open software to free knowledge sharing initiatives and wiki-projects in the Russian Federation and around the world.

Time and venue

The Conference will take place on 26–27 September 2020 (Saturday & Sunday) in Saint Petersburg.

The venue is “Tochka Kipeniya” (3 Medikov prospekt), Petrogradskaya metro station.

The conference begins at 11.00 a.m. Pre-registration of participants is required.

Live video

YouTube broadcast channel address

Адрес трансляции на YouTube (26.09.2020, ч.2)

Адрес трансляции на YouTube (27.09.2020)


Participation is open to anyone (pre-registration required), see registration page.

Conference organization


With the participation of


При поддержке

Venue partner

Organizing Committee

Владимир Медейко (chairman), Павел Каганер, Aervin
E-mail for communication: kaganer at wikimedia . ru

Questions and proposals

For the conference related discussion and questions, see respective talk-page.

You can also propose a presentation or a round table discussion topic.

Вопросы и предложения можно также публиковать в каналах Викимедиа РУ в социальных медиа — Телеграм, Facebook Messenger.

See also