Конкурсы/Выпускники и наставники России 2019/en

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Alumni and mentors of Russia 2019

«Alumni and mentors of Russia 2019» is a contest of creation and expansion of bioraphy articles about notable professors and other teachers from Russian universities and other higher education institutions, and notable alumni of these institutions. The Russian universities higher education institutions include now functioning ones and that were functioning earlier in Russian Tsardom, Russian Empire and/or USSR.

The term is: from 00:00 November, 6 to 23:59 December, 15 2019 (inlusive) (MSK).

Nomination #1 — «Alumni and mentors (in Russian)» — the articles in Russian about people, who were conducting scientific and/or educational activities in Russian universities and other higher eduation institutions, with attriution of specific higher institution accompanied by informanion about precise activities related to the institution, provided that the article meets persons notability criteria, and also about people educated in Russian universities and other higher educational institutions provided that the article meets persons notability criteria.

Nomination #2 — «Alumni and mentors (in languages of Russia)»[1] — the articles in languages of peoplesof Russia about people, who were conducting scientific and/or educational activities in Russian universities and other higher eduation institutions, with attriution of specific higher institution accompanied by informanion about precise activities related to the institution, and also about people educated in Russian universities and other higher educational institutions. All these article shall meet notability criteria used within respective language Wikipedia editions. Nomination #3 — «Newcomers» — like two nominations combined, but for the Wikipedia authors registered in Wikipedia not earlier than in 2019.

Bonus points are awarded if the desciberd person was born before 1948 (double points).

Special monetary prize

  • Digital Tuva will provide specialprizes to 10 authors in Tuvan (5 prizes for those who write more articles + 5 for those wrote wrote more volume in Tuvan language within this contest). Details are written in Tuvan Wikipedia.


  • The Competition is open to all registered users (registration time is irrelevant) who are tax residents of the Russian Federation.
  • Each contestant participates in the Competition with only one account.
  • Articles shall meet the following criteria:
    • A new article shall be written in Russian or another language of the peoples of Russia in the period from November 6 to December 15, 2019.
    • The article shall be created by the user and shall be at least 2000 bytes and at least 150 words long.
    • The article shall comply with the respective notability rules.
    • The article shall include a category indicating the higher education institution to which the person is related.
    • Mention of the fact of scientific-teaching work in a university or training in a higher education institution shall be confirmed by reference to the respective reliable source.
  • The Contest is open to the revision of articles about persons:
    • The revised articles, whose useful (encyclopedic) volume of the connected text has been increased not less than 2 times and, at the same time, not less than by 120 words, are accepted for consideration.
  • After the article has been created or finalized, it should be included in the corresponding table (the contestants do it themselves).

The principle of accrual of points:

  • Creating a new article about a mentor or graduate will be evaluated in the range of 1-3 points. The jury may note the volume and quality (presentation style, design, illustration, number of authoritative sources) with additional points.
  • Finalization of the existing article according to the criteria described above will be evaluated in the range of 1-3 points.


Total prizes: 201 000 Russian rubles. 10 winners in each of 3 nominaitions.

  1. I place — 15 000 Russian rubles
  2. II place — 10 000 Russian rubles
  3. III place — 7 000 Russian rubles
  4. IV place — 5 000 Russian rubles
  5. V place — 5 000 Russian rubles
  6. VI place — 5 000 Russian rubles
  7. VII place — 5 000 Russian rubles
  8. VIII place — 5 000 Russian rubles
  9. IX place — 5 000 Russian rubles
  10. X place — 5 000 Russian rubles


President Grants Foundation
President Grants Foundation

This cotest is a part of «Alumni and mentors of universities of Russia» project conducted for grant of President of Russia for development of civil society.

  1. Hereinafter the «languages of Russia» include only those languages that don't enjoy state-level official status outside Russia. (it excludes, for example, Azerbajani and Russian.)