Конкурсы/Узнай Россию и Германию: познакомься с провинцией/en

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Discover Russia and Germany: Learn about the regions

Discover Russia and Germany: Learn about the regions — is a thematic Wikipedia article creation and improvement contest dedicated to sightseeing attractions of the small and medium-sized territories of the Russian Federation and Federal Republic of Germany. For the purposes of the contest, medium-sized territory is defined as a settlement with less than 100 000 residents.

The Contest is organized in the framework of the Russia-Germany Year of Regional and Municipal Partnership, covering the period of July 2017 through July 2018.

Nomination #1 — «Small territories of Russia and their sightseeing attractions» — articles about anything that can qualify as sightseeing attractions of small and medium-sized cities of Russia, i.e. places, worthy of special attention, known or famous for something, for example objects of historic heritage, having some natural or artistic value.

Nomination #2 — «Small territories of Germany and their sightseeing attractions» — articles about anything that can qualify as sightseeing attractions of small and medium-sized cities of Germany, i.e. places, worthy of special attention, known or famous for something, for example objects of historic heritage, having some natural or artistic value.

The contest runs beginning the 20th of May 2018 through the 20th of October 2018.


  • The contest is open to all registered Users irrespective of time since their registration.
  • Each participant contributes from one Username only.
  • Assessment criteria:
    • New article:
      • Must be created in Russian or any other respective language section of Wikipedia within the period starting 20th of May 2018 through 20th of October 2018.
      • Must be created by the contest participant.
      • Must be at least 2000 bytes and 150 words.
    • Previously created article may be improved by adding text of at least 100 words, referenced by showing reliable sources.
  • Both quality and quantity of articles, created or improved by Wiki-marathon participants is assessed. Quality is understood as volume and reasonable degree of illustration, the degree of topic description, level of referencing by showing reliable sources, formatting.

Wiki-marathon Participants

  • Contest article must be included into the table below (done by contestants).
  • Only articles & contestants included into the table below are taking part in the Marathon.
  • Newly created or improved article must be included into the Table within 24 hours of creation, but no later than the end of the Marathon.

Contest Organizers

Prize Pool

Contest prize money is offered by «Association of honorary citizens, mentors and talented youth». Total prize pool amounts to .... thousand rubles.

Five winners are identified in each of the Nominations:

  1. I place — ... rubles
  2. II place — ... rubles
  3. III place — ... rubles
  4. IV place — ... rubles
  5. V place — ... rubles

The jury reserves the right to abstain from awarding some prizes in nominations when the number of contributions or participants in the category is low (under 7). To receive their prizes, winners will need to provide their contact data and bank card details.


  • 1.1. Contest results are judged by the jury, consisting of experienced and active participants of Wikipedia in Russian, experienced in both creation of articles and assessment of articles created by other authors.
  • 1.2. Both quantity and quality of contest participant contribution is considered.
    • 1.2.1. The winner of the contest is the participant, earning greatest number of points. In case of a tie, the winner is identified by the total volume and quality of created articles.
    • 1.2.2. Only participants that filed 20 or more qualified newly created or improved articles can be considered for awarding prizes.
    • 1.2.3. Jury decision can not be appealed.
  • 1.3. Winners are informed by email within a week from the announcement of contest results. To receive the prize, the participant will have to respond within a month, providing necessary wiring data.


  1. Contest organizers cannot not to be responsible in case contest participants infringe on third-party copyright.
  2. Organizers are not responsible for possible deletion of Wikipedia pages created by contest participants.

Contest articles


Supplementary Contacts


Inquiries should be directed to the following Email address: info@wikimedia.ru

Contest Jury Members (Principle Nominations)


In the Media
