Вики-конференция 2018/en
Languages: | русский · English · татарча / tatarça |
About | Venue | Program | Wiki-Award 2018 | Free Knowledge 2018 |
Participants |

Wikimedia Conference Russia 2018 — is the Twelfth Annual International Forum dedicated to developing Wikimedia projects in the languages of Russia, as well as challenges of free knowledge creation and dissemination overall. The event is being organized by «Wikimedia RU» Non-profit Partnership since 2007. Working language of the conference is Russian.
A scientific conference and a meeting of the like-minded, Annual WikiConference brings together participants of various Wikimedia projects, for reporting & making presentations on on-going and completed projects, exchanging ideas and making new contacts. WikiConference participants have an opportunity to discuss in person a wide spectrum of issues, from free and open software to free knowledge sharing initiatives and wiki-projects in the Russian Federation and around the world.
Time and place
The Conference will take place on 22nd—23rd September 2018 (Saturday and Sunday) in Saint Petersburg.
The venue — «Tochka Kipeniya» (3 Medikov prospekt), Petrogradskaya metro station.
Live broadcast channel on YouTube
The conference is an open attendance event, please register in line with described procedure (badges & venue access).
Conference organizers
Conference organizer

Program committee
- Vladimir Solovjev (chairman), Paul Kaganer, Stanislav Kozlovskiy
Organizing committee
- Vladimir Medeyko (chairman), Paul Kaganer, Anastasiya Lvova, Aervin
Questions & proposals
Feel free to comment about the conference and ask questions at its discussion page.