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This page describes Wikimedia movement plan — directions and specific projects to advance towards the Wikimedia world.
Open access to knowledge
- Digitizing and providing open access to historically accumulated knowledge archives:
- Open Library Project.
- Lobbying activity:
- To prevent adoption and work towards repealing of laws, allowing blocking access to Internet resources.
- To prevent adoption and work towards repealing of laws, limiting circulation of knowledge.
Free access to knowledge
- Working with publishers:
- Individual work with bodies of state authority in the framework of «Monitoring state websites» project.
- Individual work with Internet platform owners in the framework of «Free websites» project.
- Individual work with copyright owners.
- Acknowledging and rewarding best examples by «Free knowledge» Award.
- Lobbying activity:
- Introducing a mandatory requirement to include free licensing for creative components of the product in cases of state procurement.
- Adopting laws about total freedom of panorama — the possibility of freely copying and distributing copies of creative works that are present in public spaces without the need to obtain approvals and making licensing payments.
- Repealing the provisions of the museum law, which forbid free distribution of free works or works in the public domain.
- Adopting laws on transferring Soviet era heritage into the public domain.
- Adopting laws on transferring all works, created with taxpayer or other public funds, into public domain or under free license.
Circulation of knowledge
- Promotion and support of Wikimedia wiki-projects.
- Acknowledge and reward best cases by the Wiki-Award.
- Incentivize and stir interest by means of Contests.
- To cover as many thematic Wikimedia projects by the Contests.
- Integration of Wiki-technologies into educational programs, extracurricular secondary and college activities.
- Wikimedia education program in Russia.
- Selet WikiSchool.
- Translating educational materials into all languages of the people of Russia.
- Wikibooks, Wikiversity.
- Lobbying activity.
- Transferring all encyclopedias and reference materials under free license, scanning, digitizing and uploading into Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource (for unlimited use), with following creation of articles in Wikipedia (for the purposes of crowdsourcing development). Ensuring that all later encyclopedias and reference works funded from the public budget are published in line with described requirements.
- Transferring all basic and then all regionally and federally published teaching materials under free license, scanning, digitizing and uploading into Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource (for unlimited use), as well as into Wikibooks (for the purposes of crowdsourcing development). Ensuring that all teaching materials funded from the public budget are published in line with described requirements.
- Promotion and support of Wikimedia projects in the languages of Russia.
- Acknowledge and reward best cases by the Wiki-Award.
- Incentivize and stir interest by means of Contests. To assure inclusion of as many language-specific Wikimedia projects.
- Lobbying activity.
- Official websites in the Russian Federation (state, regional and municipal authority controlled) should have full versions in all official languages of the region. Websites of the Federal Authorities should be available in the languages of all nations of the Russian Federation.
- Establishing and keeping partnership relations with individuals and organizations, supporting goals similar to those of Wikimedia, engaging them into Wikimedia movement and joint implementation of projects.
- Wiki-Resident.
- Setting up and up-keeping the list of partner organizations.
- Organizing and participation in public offline and mainstream events in the region, around the country and the world.
- Working with mass media outlets to supply them with content.
- Pool of journalists, covering Wikimedia activities in Russia.
- Wikinews.
- Working with mass media for receiving their content.
- Transferring mass media towards using free licenses (см. free mass media).
- Working with state authority bodies.
- Permanent representatives of Wikimedia movement for working in the body of state authority.
- Monitoring of legislative initiatives falling into the area of Wikimedia movement with publication of own assessment.
- Implementation of «Wikimedia world» pilot projects within individual regions. «Smart Region» project.
- Advancing adoption of laws through individuals, organizations and bodies of authority supporting Wikimedia movement vision.
- Organizational sustainability.
- Movement popularity and large-scale public involvement.
- Groups and centers supporting volunteering movement.
- Legislative sustainability.
- Protecting Wikimedia movement ideals at the legislative level (see about Lobbying above).
- Financial sustainability.
- Providing Wikimedia organizations and projects with sufficient and stable financing, relying on individual benefectors.