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Материал c сайта НП «Викимедиа РУ»
(перенаправлено с «Smart region»)
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Smart Region.RU
Using possibilities of Wikimedia projects for
supporting regional development of the Russian Federation

Main page   About   Strategy   Dimensions   Wiki-Lists   Regions   Ethnicities   Multilingualism   Stats  
Imagine a world in which all humans see clear benefits in sharing their knowledge with others.

Farhad Fatkullin
2018 Wikimedian of the Year

Russia's problem is not about democracy or lack thereof, but rather with low level of public engagedness in the social sphere, which is important for people to learn being responsible citizens and the rights that come with it. People simply didn't have the chance to take part in actually running the country. The apperance of [Wiki-]Community will actually provide them with such an opportunity.[1]

— Matvej Malyj
investment consultant (2010)

«Smart region» is a project directed at inviting all citizens to start contributing onwiki on various areas of personal interest.

Wikimedia volunteers participate around topics they feel strongly about, thus advancing overall socio-economic development of the region, whilst also helping to raise current international awareness about their geography to the level of countries grabbing most attention.

Contribution into Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and other multilingual Wikimedia projects is accessible to everyone, whilst the effect is usually higher, than even similar publications on official websites or in social networks.

The project is directed at engaging currently unused opportunities for:

The intention is to:

  • To familiarize children and youth, adults and, particularly older generation (seniors) with opportunities offered by multilingual wiki-environment.
  • To engage citizens into participation in global volunteering Wikimedia movement that supports lifelong learning and is directed at developing freely accessible informational resources.
  • To invite regional partners to conduct regular expert assessment of up-to-date state of basic reference information in the area of their professional expertise to promote creation and on-going support of informational volunteering efforts in the field.

See also


  1. Matvey Malyj / How and Why Russia Needs Wiki-Community / Novaya Gazeta, № 126 of 10 November 2010
    Original Russian: "Проблема в России не с демократией или ее отсутствием, а с низким уровнем социальной активности народа, в ходе которой народ обучался бы гражданственности и осознавал свои права. У народа просто не было возможности в конструктивной форме участвовать в управлении страной. С появлением [Вики-]Сообщества такая возможность появится".