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Smart Region.RU
Using possibilities of Wikimedia projects for
supporting regional development of the Russian Federation

Main page   About   Strategy   Dimensions   Wiki-Lists   Regions   Ethnicities   Multilingualism   Stats  

This page groups together proposals of Wikimedians based on examples of using Wikimedia projects platforms for serving practical needs of the people internationally.

Organizational work: Proposals

By social institution type

By topic

  1. Cultural heritage: Proposals.
  2. Youth engagement: Proposals.
  3. Municipal topics: Proposals
  4. Education: Proposals.
  5. Regional awareness: Proposals.
  6. Developing legislation: Proposals.
  7. Regional multilingualism: Proposals.
  8. Advanced technologies: Proposals.

By Wikimedia project

  1. Wikiversity: Proposals.
  2. Wikivoyage: Proposals.
  3. Wikidata: Proposals.
  4. Wikinews: Proposals.
  5. Wikipedia: Proposals.
  6. Wikimedia Commons: Proposals.
  7. Wiktionary: Proposals.
  8. Wikisource: Proposals.
  9. Wikibooks: Proposals.
  10. Wikiquote: Proposals.

By age group