Умный регион/05.02.2019/en

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Smart Region.RU
Using possibilities of Wikimedia projects for
supporting regional development of the Russian Federation

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This page is dedicated to preparing the text & slides for the presentation of «Smart region» project to be delivered by Farhad Fatkullin during 5 February 2019 end-of-the-year meeting of the Republic of Tatarstan Ministry for info-communications, as well as proposals for follow-on actions on the project.

Speech text

  1. Dear President of Tatarstan, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government, participants of the meeting!
  2. Today I am standing in front of you not in my usual role of an interpreter, but introducing "Smart region" initiative and reporting to you on the work around its pilot implementation in Russia, in particularly in my home Republic, under code-name of "Wiki-Tatarstan".
  3. Project idea evolved out of my personal active participation first in Tatar Wikipedia (since 2012), then in other global crowdsourcing-based Wikimedia movement projects. At 30, having a wonderful wife and two beautiful kids, interesting job & plenty of opportunities, I discovered that my motivation to volunteer my time without expecting anything back was stronger than desire to earn more money, spend more time with family or do something for myself personally. Maslow's hierarchy of needs explains this, but, as an economist, I needed to find a practical reason to justify this, especially that I was also beginning to feeling myself Wikipediholic. I was invited here to share what came out of this hobby of mine.
  4. "Smart region" started as an idea of bringing successful Wikimedia use cases from around the world to Russia and creating a mechanism for systemically engaging all those that have access to gadgets or PCs into active mutually beneficial global collaborations.
  5. Some context: When preparing his revolution, Lenin started by seizing control of the telephone and telegraph stations. Throughout the 20th century, businesses have always wanted to have access to the radio and TV. In today's world of information overload, things not mentioned in Wikipedia simply don't get on the radar of human majority. But life continues - virtual assistants and artificial intelligence are now actively learning to rely on Wikidata knowledge base. Post-industrial society age knowledge economy forces each and every human to become "a сaliph" as defined in Qur'an - plenipotentiary, all-knowing and all-capable representative of the Creator on Earth. 7+ bln of such entities will have to reach consensus on widest spectrum of issues. Here again, today there's no better environment for this than Wikipedia. Look at preservation of multilingualism and various ethnic or other cultural knowledge in digital age - Wikidata and Wikipedia are important pillars here as well. Last year, ahead of the current International Year of Indigenous Languages, this was demonstrated to UN as one of global best practices in the domain. Public health, tourism, cultural heritage, education, digital literacy, PR & communications, etc... - Wikimedia projects bring clear practical benefit for societal development.
  6. Here are some individuals, among many others, who were key in pushing me to develop a project out of what I put together after attending movement-wide annual Wikimania conference (Montreal 2017).
  7. The project is being pilot-developed within Tatarstan as a roadmap that other regions of Russia and other countries of the world could later follow. Its purpose is to come up with a blueprint for developing Wiki-competencies of region's community, as well as mechanisms to engage all citizens, guests and interested netizens from around the world into informational volunteering for describing region-specific realities, meanwhile contributing into its socio-economic development.
  8. Support of the Wikimedia Community...
  9. Those supporting from among academic and civil society communities of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation
  10. Those understanding and using Wikipedia-offered opportunities in the Republic of Tatarstan and wider in the Russian Federtion
  11. The map of Wikimedia organizations' presence around the world
    • Estonians, Finns and Israelis are one of the most active per capita participants of the movement, as well as Wikipedia readers in their mother-tongues
    • Educational projects within U.S. and English-speaking Canada are mainly run through separate Wiki Education Foundation
  12. We are also lucky to be one of the most multilingual regions, as well as countries of the world. This is also important because learning the ropes and getting used to the realities and expectations of the Wiki-environment is simpler and easier by beginning to contribute into Wikimedia projects in the languages of Russia with fewer active participants than in any of the official UN languages.
  13. What has been done so far:
    • Ex.: This past August Tatarstan became the first region on the planet to move all official websites of regional and municipal executive government to free licenses - now anybody in the world can freely use their contents in line with "link when republishing" principle.
  14. What is in the pipeline:
    • Ex.: Deputy Prime Minister Shaykhutdinov proposed to promote Tatarstan's international openness by integrating links to Wikipedia articles about Republic's state bodies, ministries, departments and agencies into their official trilingual websites - thus anyone will be able to see how their activities are perceived by the civil society of the planet (at least in Tatar, Russian or English). Together with so much sought citizen feedback and engagement, this will clearly demonstrate investment attractiveness of the region.
    • Other plans since considered by Wikimedia working group under the Republic of Tatarstan InfoComm Ministry are also supported by our Russia-wide & international colleagues.
  15. This slide is about reasons that push me to take part in growing the project
  16. To speed up integration of respective possibilities into existing Tatarstan-wide programmatic activities, as well as use the knowledge and rich experience of wider circle of specialists, I would propose to transform Tatarstan InfoComm ministry's internal Wikimedia working group into Republic's cross-departmental one.
  17. This slide showcases examples of important future steps.
  18. Thank you for your attention!

Slide 1

  • On screen: Wiki-Tatarstan / Link to presentation materials page / User:Frhdkazan / "Wikimedia RU" Non-Profit Partnership of Russia's Wiki-volunteers.
  • Text: Dear Mr. President, Mr. Vice-Primier, participants of the meeting!

Slide 2

  • On screen: My alter-ego - eWP article, Mass media publications.
  • Text: Today I am standing in front of you not in my usual role of an interpreter, but pitching my project and reporting to you on the work around its pilot implementation in Russia, in particularly in Tatarstan (code-named "Wiki-Tatarstan").

Slide 3

  • On screen: Key Wikimedia projects, and indicators communicating why someone should think they are important!
  • Text: When preparing his revolution, Lenin planned seizing control of the telephone and telegraph stations. Businesses have always wanted to have access to the radio and TV. Today the world cares not about things that are not mentioned in Wikipedia. Tomorrow this will be true for Wikidata.
    • 1.4-1.6 bln unique visitors per month
    • higher readability than in indexed journals or government websites
    • >50.000 active volunteers
    • Systemic users: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon Alexa, Yandex, etc.

Slide 4

  • On screen: Wiki Takes .."Kumusha".. <-> .."Kumusha" takes Wiki
  • Text: Investments, tourists, business partners, simply citizens etc. usually pay attention to and think about what they regularly see or hear. Thus everything that can be used for the purposes of regional development should be published where
      • both people, and AI-based smart assistants serving them will find it the easiest and / or more often
      • it will provide maximum long-term benefit.

Slide 5

  • On screen: Purpose of the project
  • Text: The project is directed at developing the roadmap and initiating work on systemic development of Wiki-competencies among regional state and municipal employees, as well as wider public circles of Russia's regions for the purposes of engaging every citizen, guest and all interested netizens around the world into informational volunteering for developing both domestic and international recognition of regional realities.

Slide 6

  • On screen: Why is this important
  • Text: Post-informational society age knowledge economy forces every human to become "a сaliph" as defined in Qur'an - full-fledged representative of the Creator on Earth. 7+ bln of such entities will have to reach consensus on all spectrum of questions and today there's no better tool for this than Wikipedia.
    • Blockchain+Industry4.0+SmartAssistants=Society4.0
    • Purely citizen crowdsourcing project recognized as most influential web-portal of 2018 (higher that private, government or intergovernmental ones).
    • Collective work > individual expert achievements.

Slide 7

Slide 8

  • On screen: Support in Tatarstan - Who and why...

Slide 9

  • On screen: Support of the Wikimedia Community

Slide 10

  • On screen: Who supports from among academic and civil society communities of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation
  1. Slide / Who understands and seems to use Wikipedia-offered opportunities in the Republic of Tatarstan and wider in the Russian Federtion

Slide 11

  • On screen: Wikimedia movement is also active in
  • Text: Finns and Israelis are one of the most active per capita participants of the movement, as well as Wikipedia readers in their mother-tongues
    • Text / Educational projects within U.S. and English-speaking Canada are mainly run through separate Wiki Education Foundation

Slide 12

    • Bashkortostan/Chechnya/Dagestan/Ingushetia/Karelia/Komi/Mari El/Moscow/Rostov oblast/Saint-Petersburg/Sakha-Yakutia/Tatarstan/Tyva and other regions

Slide 13

  • On screen: What has been done?
  • Text / This past August Tatarstan became the first region on the planet to move all official websites of regional and municipal executive government to free licenses - now anybody in the world can freely use their contents in line with "link when republishing" principle.

Slide 14

  • On screen: What next
  • Text / For further increasing international openness and investment attractiveness of the region, Deputy Prime Minister Shaykhutdinov proposed next to move towards promoting international «Popular oversight» over the activities of the Republic of Tatarstan ministries and departments by means of integrating links to Wikipedia articles about them into their official trilingual (Tatar, Russian and English) websites - thus anyone will be able to see how their activities are perceived by the civil society of the planet.

Slide 15

  • On screen:
    • Screenshot of the last working group meeting protocol
    • Kazan Federal University Institute of International Relations - MOU, public speech, focus groups, Wikimedia Education Program related webinars by WMRU / Moscow State University representatives (фото?)
    • Şihabetdin Märcani Tatar Gymnasium (No.2) of Kazan Federal University / BalaCity Polilingual School (photo?)
    • Introduction into Wikidata programming master-classes for Tatarstan software developers
    • "Wikimedia Education" projects presentations at http://eduforumkazan.ru/ forum
    • Tatarstan-related Wikipedia article creation contests
    • Dedicated Selet Education Camp...
    • Kazan applying to host educational Wiki-seminars and conferences of Russia's Wikimedians, CEEM & eventually Wikimania
  • Text: Other plans since considered by Wikimedia working group under the Republic of Tatarstan InfoComm Ministry are also supported by our Russia-wide & international colleagues.

Slide 16

  • On screen: Why does this matter to me?
  • Text: Without proper infrastructural support, such as 24/7 online news-radio similar to BBC World Service, universal encyclopedia like English Wikipedia and full Tatarization of Wikidata for AI systems to work well in the language - I see no reason which will guarantee that my children and grand-children will be willing to make the effort to continue using Tatar and respective cultural phenomena in their daily life or pass it on.
    • Results of a diversity of international research hint that without Wiki-like mechanisms, in the future it will be difficult to preserve even such giants as Russian and Chinese, as well as respective cultures, not to mention smaller ones.
    • Text / French school teachers believe that understanding how Wikipedia works, developing skills of independent information processing and decision-making is even more important for living in knowledge economy than having coding skills.
    • UNESCO, our principle partner from among UN agencies, declared 2019 an International Year of Indigenous Languages - and wiki-volunteers in various countries of the planet are supporting this by running different successful initiatives.
    • Text / Various school essays, other compiled materials and databases that don't serve the wider public or otherwise reused seem a waste.
    • Text / We can only grow more creative skilled and entrepreneurial citizens if we teach our children and youth to look for appraisal of their achievements by real-life, and not some individual in the position of authority.

Slide 17

  • On screen: The list of invited to take part in the working group
  • Text: To speed up integration of respective possibilities into existing Tatarstan-wide programmatic activities and promoting generation and contribution of region-related content in Wikimedia projects, I propose to transform Tatarstan InfoComm ministry's current Wikimedia working group into Tatarstan cross-departmental working group. Together with colleagues, we have prepared the list of some specific measures which will further contribute to growing both recognition of the regional content, as well as global development of Tatar vitality.

Line into the protocol of Tatarstan Presidential instructions

To establish a Tatarstan cross-departmental working group on developing mechanisms of systemic use of Wikimedia projects offered opportunities for engaging currently unused resources of civil society towards regional development

with participation of experts from

  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Culture
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Ministry of Labor and Employment
  • Republic's Tatmedia Agency
  • State Committee for Tourism
  • State Committee for Cultural Heritage
  • Investment Development Agency
  • and other potentially interested ministries, departments, organizations.

Proposals for consideration by cross-departmental working group

  1. To engage libraries and museums of Tatarstan into active participation in "Open Library"/ "Open Heritage" project (base funding from Russian Federation Presidential Grants Foundation) to increase effectiveness of the Republic Tatarstan National E-Library, E-museums projects, as well as benefiting from International experience of integrating heritage preservation institutions into realities of digital society.
  2. To recommend transfer of Tatarstan GLAMs' catalogues free from specific Russian protection requirements into public domain and provide for their accessibility in machine-readable format for promoting our cultural heritage through software and AI tools using Wikidata.
  3. To include a recommendation on transfer of exclusive copyrights with following digitization and uploading materials into free license based Wikimedia Commons media repository and Wikisource library into protocols of all Tatarstan departments funding publication of printed or E-works by local authors - to increase global discoverability, accessibility and popularity of this content.
  4. To speed up the work on learning and widest possible use in Tatarstan of Wikidata knowledge base opportunities, as well as its Tatarization by qualified staff of the Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Institute of Language Literature and Arts — over and above other things, with time it will allow provision of Tatarstan E-services in any language of the world, as well as receiving the like anywhere on the planet in Tatar through such voice assistants as Google Assistent, Siri, Echo, Yandex.Alisa etc.
  5. To initiate work on developing Wiki-competencies among the population of the Republic and engaging it into information volunteering on increasing Russia-wide domestic and international awareness about the region
    1. To recommend Tatarstan branch of the Russian Federation network of UNESCO Associated Schools Project to engage in Wikimedia Education Program project for developing their competencies and strengthening Republic's representation within Wikimedia movement cooperation initiatives with intergovernmental institutions of UN System — supported by the global coordinator of UNESCO ASPNET project.
    2. To recommend Tatarstan New Century TV channel specialists (TNV) to help with recording and airing Tatar and Russian language social advertisement campaigns similar to «One Wikipedia article from every Armenian», as well as a series of educational videos on working in Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, with their following upload under free license into Wikimedia Commons and YouTube
    3. To recommend libraries and other community centers in municipal district centers of Tatarstan to offer using their space and equipment for describing cultural heritage and current realities of Tatarstan in Wikimedia projects.
    4. To recommend Tatarstan division of Russian Federation Seniors Association to include training on Wikimedia projects participation into the program of the Third Age University.
  6. To organize similar center for Tatar component within the network of the World Congress of Tatars with participation of specialists from linguistic institutes of the Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.
    1. To speed up transitioning of «Tatar encyclopedia» and other regional public budget funded content sites towards free licenses — for speeding up appearance of Tatar language automated machine translation services (Wikipedia-based texts are used as most convenient way of training Google's Machine Translation tool).
    2. To recommend Tatar speaking educational community of the Republic to engage into incubation and development of Tatar Wikiversity.


Opening / Smart region page

Who am I

Wikimedia projects

Wikimedia movement

Past key milestones of Smart region


Supporting individuals in Tatarstan

Tatarstan volunteers' projects

  • Selet WikiSchool

Wikimedia Russia


Other plans considered by Wikimedia working group under Tatarstan InfoComm Ministry

Importance for preservation of linguistic & cultural vitality

  • m:Wikipedias in the languages of Russia
  • 2012 research by an international group of linguists has shown that languages without actively developing Wikipedias have no chance for long-term survival in the digital era.


  • Wiki-Stats on cross-language activities

Wikimedia projects in Tatar

  • Tatar Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionary pages - we have things to be proud of...