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Smart Region.RU
Using possibilities of Wikimedia projects for
supporting regional development of the Russian Federation

Main page   About   Strategy   Dimensions   Wiki-Lists   Regions   Ethnicities   Multilingualism   Stats  
One of the most important criteria of the government authority effectiveness is its openness and citizen involvement in the governing process. This is supported by the projects we implement, including «Public control» with 176 thousand claims to date of which 85% having been resolved. Republic of Tatarstan state and municipal services portal is actively using public voting system. We have seen wide participation in the survey on improving public spaces with necessary amenities. Tatarstan citizens generated about 3000 electronic initiatives to be included into our 2030 Strategy. In September we launched a pilot on public formulation of objectives and tasks and public oversight on execution thereof covering a number of state executive bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan. Now our citizens will directly participate in identifying priority tasks for government departments, as well as monitoring their performance. The work on development of effective feedback mechanisms, citizen involvement into decision-making in governance issues and implementation thereof will be continued. This will primarily be happening via developments in e-services. Public chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan, departmental and municipal public councils, as well as mass media should play an important role in promoting this.[1]

Rustam Minnikhanov (2018)

This page is about what's necessary for achieving the goals of the project, namely:

  1. Drawing a roadmap for developing Wiki-competencies of the region's population
  2. Developing and implementing the mechanism for engaging all interested in the region into systemically collecting and generating content informing the world about the diversity of its life.



The project is being implemented in the era of increasingly globalizing world economy, pervasive optimization and resource efficiency drives, move towards sharing economy approaches. In such a situation, project's stakeholders include both the population of the specific region, as well as other interested group outside of its physical borders. Long-term successful advancement along the stages of the project implementation (in the pilot implementation region or elsewhere) is only possible if the aggregate benefits for all parties are significantly higher than possible real and potential opportunity costs. Wikimedia movement and volunteer community of its projects, which are offered as a platform for implementing "Smart Region" on, are also an interested party, as the project's goals are in line with the vision, as well as mission of the leading Wikimedia organization - Wikimedia Foundation.

Sources of information


Engaged resources

  • Welcoming of the initiative by Wikimedia Foundation staff, active international voluteers of the movement
  • Wikimedians from Russia from among
    • Wikimedia Russia members
    • members of Wikimedia User Groups from Russia
    • unorganized Wikimedia project participants
  • Interested partners

Tasks in the framework of the strategy


To identify a set of priority topics for onwiki content development

  • Socio-economic realities of the region
  • History of the region
  • Civic and cultural realities of the region
  • other

To identify appropriate channels for onwiki content development


Identify a Wikimedia project for specific priorities:

  • Wikipedia
  • Wikidata
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Wikivoyage
  • etc.

To list and describe necessary wiki-competencies


To identify the circle of participants

  • Select pilot participants in each group by topic
  • Develop generalized portraits of entities (group) and individuals (persona) that populate target area.
  • Formulate clear and interesting value propositions for each

To identify implementation mechanism

  • To identify a set of necessary measures to develop potential participants' wiki-skills systemically
  • To identify necessary resources for providing participants with methodology, information and other necessary support
  • To identify center of responsibility for successful implementation of the project

See also



  1. Rustam Minnikhanov delivered Annual Message to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan / http://tatarstan.ru/, 24 September 2018
    Original Russian:"Одним из важнейших критериев эффективности власти является ее открытость и вовлеченность граждан в процесс управления. Этому способствуют реализуемые нами проекты, в том числе «Народный контроль», в который подано 176 тыс. заявок по различным вопросам, из них 85 % решены. На Портале государственных и муниципальных услуг Республики Татарстан развивается система голосования. Широкий отклик получил опрос по проектам благоустройства общественных пространств. Около 3 тыс. электронных инициатив получено от населения по включению в Стратегию-2030. В сентябре мы запустили пилотный проект по публичному формированию целей и задач ряда исполнительных органов государственной власти Республики Татарстан и общественному контролю за их исполнением. Теперь население будет принимать непосредственное участие в определении приоритетных задач ведомств, а также контролировать достижение их ключевых показателей. Работа по формированию эффективных механизмов обратной связи, вовлеченности граждан в процессы принятия управленческих решений и их реализации будет продолжена. Прежде всего, в части развития электронных сервисов. Весомую роль в этой деятельности должны играть Общественная палата Республики Татарстан, ведомственные и муниципальные общественные советы, средства массовой информации."