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Smart Region.RU
Using possibilities of Wikimedia projects for
supporting regional development of the Russian Federation

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«Smart Region» for Municipalities.

This is about using existing approaches of systemic Wiki-contribution in line with municipal priorities, starting with the matryoshka of


Wiki-partnerships logo
  1. To develop a roadmap for annual implementation of an international editathon contest around the topics of importance for local municipalities
  2. To prepare a simple standard guideline for any municipality around the world to be able to inform and invite its population to join this event remotely, as well as administer it locally
  3. To test this on a group of municipalities from some pilot province
  4. To take it to the level of a country and/or macro-region (in partnership with national Wikimedia chapters, usergroups and volunteers).
  5. To transform this into an annually publicized editathon (together with Wikimedia Foundation staff and Wikimedia movement affiliates' members).
  6. Topics of importance to UCLG / UNACLA / "Wiki-for-mayors" to be included in general lists, whilst each municipality to have local lists and provide prizes for winners in their multilingual sub-contests.

Why is this appropriate for municipalities of Eurasia and globally?

Heat map: Earth surface objects described in Wikipedia (May 2019)

Wiki-volunteers write about topics they are familiar with or those close to their hearts and they do this in own free time, without any kind of external incentive. As a result, various phenomena of importance to understanding life realities in UCLG-Euroasia, UCLG Middle East and West Asia, UCLG-Africa, USLG-AsiaPacific and UCLG Latin America are least described in the world's most read non-profit-project than those culturally, ideologically and economically important for population of North American and European municipalities. Human brains are likely to forget about the past or parallel processes, if there's nothing to regularly remind them about those realities.

« Publishing something about an important event or phenomenon on one's own or organization website, and then on that of local-regional-national mass media without this fact getting included into Wikipedia is ... a lost opportunity for increasing international public awareness of the fact and thus one's social capital. This is as smart, as investing into hosting Universiade, Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup without satellite broadcast coverage and forgetting to include this into the history of respective sports; or funding local museums, local economy and education in silence, without speaking to the global audience about the riches of one's culture and history, present achievements and future intentions. »

Why is such a partnership justified

  • UN agencies recognize Wikipedia and its international volunteer community as an important partner in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, initiate systemic cooperation.
  • National and regional ministries and departments in a number of countries are already doing work on/with Wikipedia to promote own culture and develop tourism.
  • There are even greater benefits for cities and municipalities of the planet, as their budgets are usually lower than Federal or Regional ones, whilst, as a front-line service providers to the citizens, they feel the consequences of global and domestic competition for benevolence of individual investors of personal time into their development even more acutely.

Share of traffic reaching individual websites is on the decrease both globally, and in Russia. The growth is only seen among the aggregators — Search engines, Social media (YouTube, FB/Twitter/VK/..) and Messengers, as well as large online Shopping platforms. Ideology, ethno-national feelings and nostalgic bonds to one's smaller or larger homeland, or favorite provider is slowly but surely giving up to a cosmopolitan worldview to our common planetary home, with citizens-clients thereof expecting the possibility of independent comparison and personal choice of whatever and wherever. Our time and attention resources are scarce, thus we frequently trust whatever is on the first page of the search engine results or whatever our smart assistant has to offer.

Diagnosis: Why is Wikipedia inevitable?

English version of "Wiki for Tatar Education" presentation slides

Wiki-technology, CC-BY/SA type legal licenses and Wikipedia community principles offer the citizens of the planet a chance to take collective control of a knowledge platform which is more important and valuable than various commercial websites, interest-group controlled mass media, political will of various entities or intergovernmental organizations:

  • World community: "Greater losers are those who don't use Wiki-opportunities / if something is not on Wikipedia — it's probably not that important.
  • Turkish Constitutional Court: Government's blocking Wikipedia access is a human rights violation.
  • Etc.

With similar things in mind, in the summer and fall of 2018 Roman Shakhutdinov of Tatarstan invited Wikimedians to cooperate on number of aspects including making sure every municipality or regional authority page on Tatarstan.ru portal has a link to respective Wikipedia page (in English, Russian and Tatar), whilst for Tatarstan Investment Development Agency and Visit-Tatarstan.com a larger language set would be appropriate. In February 2019 Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government Maxim Akimov approved the idea of wider use of Wiki contribution as a way to raise awareness about Russia's realities, whilst in the spring and summer of 2019 Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov instructed Republic's Ministry of Education and respective school of Kazan Federal University to study the topic in the aspect of its applicability for Tatar language related needs, Ministries for Youth Affairs and Digital Development & ICT — to offer programs for respective skill developments outside of the Education curricula. Wikipedia is the only non-profit website in Top-10, is a de facto reference of the planet and in the framework of 2030 Strategy it's community and affiliates network weight is expected to grow as or possibly eclipse that of UN System.



General scheme


Want people around the world to learn about something?



Wikimedia programs and projects with partners take the form of:

  • One off events
  • Periodic (annual, twice a year) activity and
  • Wider partnership

Most frequent are campaigns. Инициируется тематических марафон на общественно-полезные темы с символическими призами для победителей. В случае марафонов-конкурсов обычно ценные или денежные (обычно ваучер для интернет-магазина) призы, плюс вручение призов в рамках церемонии и последующее упоминание в местных СМИ/соц.сетях/... Технические организаторы готовят список подтем и примерный перечень объектов для описания, определяют номинации, критерии, отбирают авторитетное жюри, обеспечивают весь процесс (уведомление потенциальных участников, лендинг, освещают результаты). Спонсор предоставляет призы для победителей и иначе утверждает пакет конкурса до его запуска.

In the framework of long-term partnership collaboration, обычно оператор готовит или адаптирует руководства и справочники, организует в офлайне ознакомительные мастер-классы и забеги-редактоны, в ходе которых опытные редакторы консультируют участников по возникающим вопросам непосредственно в ходе выполнения последними действий в вики-пространстве, при необходимости — принимает участие в церемонии награждения.

See also


  1. Wikimedia stats (Slide from 05.02.2019 Presentation)