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Smart Region.RU
Using possibilities of Wikimedia projects for
supporting regional development of the Russian Federation

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Education-related dimension of «Smart Region» project.

Instructor Basics How to Use Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool

Integration into Education is possible through

  • Using Wikimedia projects as platforms for
    • creation and improvement of thematic articles on Wikimedia projects instead of regular coursework papers
    • presenting results of other appropriate individual or group projects, etc.
  • Using collectively generated Wikimedia projects hosted content for developing critical perception of various phenomena

International experience shows that students enjoy editing Wikipedia more than similar assignments elsewhere. Wiki in Education is used in over 90 countries, because students:[1]

  • improve own self-esteem, confidence in own competencies and are readier for independent decision-making
  • develop productive IT use skills
  • learn to express themselves in front of the global audience
  • enriches their teamwork and collaboration skills
  • get used to independent work with information (assessing its reliability, quality, critical consideration of used argumentation)[2]
  • are better prepared to be active members of knowledge economy, where they will be generating new information and knowledge
  • are exposed to importance of multilingualism and multiculturalism of our world
  • are getting used and better prepared to facing variety of conflicts existing in the surrounding world
  • are incentivized to look for continuous learning opportunities
  • etc.



Kinds of activities

  • Critical reading
  • Editing existing material
    • Correcting factual data
    • Adding descriptive material
  • Creation of new material
    • Translation from other language versions
    • Independent search for sources and description of knowledge
  • Wikipedia — среда создания свободных текстовых материалов энциклопедического содержания
  • Wikidata — свободная машиночитаемая база знаний с многоязычными подписями
  • Wikimedia Commons — хранилище свободных медиафайлов
  • Wikibooks — среда для совместного создания свободных руководств и методических инструкций
  • Wikiversity — среда для совместного развития свободных образовательных программ
  • Wikinews — среда для совместного написания новостных заметок под свободными лицензиями
  • Wikiquote — среда для совместного сбора цитат под свободными лицензиями
  • Wikisource — среда для сбора опубликованных источников, находящихся в общественном достоянии или под свободными лицензиями
  • Wikivoyage — среда для сбора опубликованных источников, находящихся в общественном достоянии или под свободными лицензиями

Reference materials


How we defined what secondary education students need

Thematic mailing lists, pages and social media groups


See also


