Умный регион/Татарстан/План/en

Материал c сайта НП «Викимедиа РУ»
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Smart region.Republic of Tatarstan
Using possibilities of Wikimedia projects for
supporting regional development of the Republic of Tatarstan

Main page   About   Strategy   Dimensions   Wiki-Lists   Regions   Ethnicities   Multilingualism   Stats  

Republic of Tatarstan   Structure   ActionPlan   Measures   Partners   Chronology   Wiki-Lists   Statistics   Districts

This is the place for formulating an Action Plan for implementation of «Wiki-Smart Region.Republic of Tatarstan» project.

Methodological and other process work


Timely documentation

  • Working plans
  • Current tasks
  • Chronology
  • Project development statistics collection
  • Timely information of all stakeholders, etc.

Mechanisms of incentivizing wiki-activity of Tatarstanians and other interested parties

  • Formulate clear and interesting projects for every category of potential participants[1]
  • Develop sample implementation plans (templates)
  • Demonstrate clear incentives

Creation and training of project implementation team

  • Republic level
  • Municipality level

Thematic wiki-lists

  • Nature
  • Monuments
  • Intangible heritage
  • Organizations
  • Events
  • etc.

Monitoring tools

  • Coverage of phenomena by municipal district and town

Developing Tatar-language Wikimedia environments

  • Wikidata
  • Wikipedia
  • Wikibooks based Wikijunior
  • Wiktionary
  • Wikiquote
  • etc.

Project work


Collection of all existing tools for transferring wiki-knowledge and skills

  • by language: English, Russian, Tatar, others
  • by type: text, video, interactive
  • etc.

Developing or translation of missing guides


Organizing and conducting contests


Representing Tatarstan in other publicly recognized wiki-projects


Selection and training Tatarstan participants of International, Russia-wide and Tatarstan wiki-initiatives:

Raising awareness and training citizens




See also
