Умный регион/Направления/Региональное многоязычие/Цифровая жизнеспособность/en
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“ | A language that continues its development is usually being used in all areas of life. Excluding the language from use in some field of human activity, be it some specific scientific discipline or a type of artistic pursuit, an industrial or services sector of economy, i.e. from generating more reasoning patterns, is blowing an irreversible damage that promotes language death. ... It's very important to aspire towards such a state of things, when any news are expected to be expressed by that specific language means. | ” |
— Gaynulla F. Shaykhiev[1] |
“ | "The paradox related to preservation of language and culture is that they can only stay active by welcoming changes. Only dead languages and cultures can be fully preserved against change."[2] | ” |
“ | Speaking of the Tatar component today, we confidently state that:
” |
Imprint data
«Preservation and Development of Native Tongues within a Multiethnic State: Language Policy, Challenges and Prospects» Interregional Scientific-Practical Conference (co-organized by UNESCO Information for All Program Committee for Russia, Russia's Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, etc.), «Role of ICT in Language Preservation» section, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Sh.Mardjani Institute of History, 21.06.2022, 13:30 — 16:00
Title: "Digital Ecosystem for Tatarstan's Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Sustainability. What, why and how?"
Author: Farhad Fatkullin, Member of the Republic of Tatarstan Presidential Commission on Preservation and Strengthening of Tatar language use (2020-2022), Non-Profit Partnership «Wikimedia RU» (from 2017), Wiki-volunteer of the Year (2018), Tatar (from 2018) and Turkic languages Wiki-volunteers (from 2019), participant of Developing Wikipedias in the languages of Russia project (from 2015)
- Visual materials - https://w.wiki/5Sc4 (PDF, 10 slides)
- Short link here - https://w.wiki/5Sen
Digital environment speeds up all the social processes. Growing number of contacts and available optimization options transforms pre-digital social fabric. Economic interaction of individuals and groups actively molds linguistic and overall cultural conceptual interface evolution. Reasonable agents positively discriminate most effective cultural tools, thus further strengthening languages offering access to a wider spectrum of services: E-gov, tax-border-immigration-license and other registers, forms and formats of interaction with state bodies, various thematic mass media, reference documentation on all local and international standards, machine-readable databases for AI and voice assistants, education-training-exams-certification and other international information systems supporting specific language interface. As control systems, language-based cultural concept environments are more complex than their subordinate social institutions and respective relationships systems, thus sustainable preservation and development of the former requires much more attention and resources, than transformation of tangible economy. This mandates a complex set of measures for continuous enlargement of target language use areas, number of digital platforms and services supporting them, increasing detail and currency of knowledge and services accessible through them. This requires wider use of language-independent protocols in digital interaction, especially in issues of creation and circulation of tangible socio-economic information and relationships around those. Sustainability of similar non-hierarchical systems requires transformation of governance, dynamic distribution of authority and rewards. Analytical study was conducted on the basis of text-based metaverse (Tatar Wikipedia), Wikidata multilingual knowledge base and other projects within the digital ecosystem of Wikimedia international volunteering movement; Tatar language projects and related elements were used to build and test cross-platform digital language nest operation. We conclude that minimally viable global language support ecosystem will have to cover all topics critically important for assuring livelihood of modern humans in whatever environments on Earth or outside thereof.
Overall comment in the context
Language and cultural knowledge are tools for assuring survival and flourishing of humanity. With all human languages and cultural knowledge widely perceived and categorized as Universal cultural heritage of humanity, assuring their contemporary sustainability is only possible within a system with equal users irrespective of their status (private individual or a group, a legal entity, various levels of public authorities or intergovernmental institution).
- ↑ (рус.) "[Н]астал момент, когда ... язык стал лишь инструментом, средством выражения образов мысли. ... Развивающийся язык находится обычно в общении во всех сферах жизненного цикла. Исключение хотя бы одной сферы, будь она разделом какой-то науки или искусства, производства или услуг, из общения на этом языке, т.е. из производства образов мысли, наносит языку непоправимый удар, способствует его вымиранию. ... Надо стремиться, чтобы новость ожидали из формулировок этого языка."
Шайхиев Г.Ф. "Язык разума. Мы думаем и по-татарски, и по-русски, и по-английски..." Казань, изд-во «Хәтер»: 2000 ISBN 5-900004-83-X сс.230-231 Глава V Раздел 9 Асимметрия в эволюции мышления. ("Language of Reasoning. We (can) simultaneously think in Tatar, and in Russian, and in English..." /Chapter V Section 9 Asymmetry in evolution of reasoning) - ↑ (рус.) "Парадокс сохранения культуры и языка заключается в том, что они сохраняются исключительно путем изменения. Только мертвые языки и культуры можно полностью обезопасить от перемен", from Замятин К., Пасанен А., Саарикиви Я. "Как и зачем сохранять языки России"./ Часть I. Многоязычное общество и многоязычный индивид. Глава "Изменяющаяся роль языков", 35 с.
("How to and why keep languages of Russia". / Part I. "Multilingual society and multilingual individual", Chapter "Evolving role of languages", p.35)
See also
- Pageview stats
- Previous work: "Mythological consciousness in preservation of cultural heritage" (тат.) into the proceeds of “Language, Society and IT” 1st Russia-wide scientific and practical conference