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«My Tatarstan» contest logo

Coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan

Wikimedia Community of Tatar language User Group logo

International Russian language logo of Wikimedia Russia national wiki-volunteers chapter, known within the country as a «Wikimedia RU» Non-Profit Partnership:
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Languages: | русский · English · татарча / tatarça |
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«My Tatarstan» (тат. Минем Татарстан landing in Tatar Wikipedia) is an annual article drive contest, dedicated to describing geography, history, culture and contemporary phenomena of the Republic of Tatarstan.
It is initiated by Tatar Wikimedians and Wikimedia Russia in the framework of collaboration with «Tatarstan Presidential Comission for the preservation and strengthening of Tatar language use».
Key dates
- Start: 15th of December
- Finish: 31st of January
- Finalists table: 15the of February (plan)
- Collection of contact details and transfer of prize money: 1st of March (plan)
- Final press-release: 8th of March (plan)
Tatar Wikipedia nomination

- Prizes provided with the help (original WMRU letter scan) of Tatarstan Presidential Commission for preservation and strengthening Tatar language use
- The purpose of Tatar language nomination is:
- inviting speakers to use Tatar for using it to publish publicly valuable information online
- attracting Tatar speakers to take part in developing encyclopedic & reference content about the region at one of the most globally influential and most read non-profit website
- incentivizing Tatar spekers to develop skills of participating in globally public multilingual thematic Wikimedia projects
- On Tatar Wikipedia the contest is organized only in individual all-around mode and only in "New Articles" nomination.
- Prize fund for the 2020/21 nomination is 200 000 rubles.
- Prize funds are distributed proportionally to total Quality Points accumulated by participants.
- Prizes go to Participants creating 4 or more Qualifying Articles.
- Not discriminated by age, country or region of residence, or experience of Wikimedia project participation.
- Must
- have or register a username in Wikimedia projects (for example through Tatar Wikipedia)
- participate under only one username
- create contest articles when logged into Tatar Wikipedia under one's own username
- create articles meeting Minimal Requirements
- agree to Evaluation Criteria to be used by the Jury
- have the following Username Profile settings on:
- to receive their prizes, finalists should expect to take care of the following,
- respond to organizers' team email request within a week, providing bank card details for prize share transfer
- non-residents of Russia (for taxation purposes) should plan to report on their income tax obligations in respective country (Wikimedia Russia will have to withhold Russian standard share of income tax)
- May:
- use ContentTranslation tool to simplify translation of existing articles from other Wikipedia language editions
- Turn the option in Beta-fuctions of your username — mark "Эчтәлеген тәрҗемә итү" (англ. Content Translation) and press Саклау (англ. Save) below
- Open the interface (whilst logged in under own username)
- mark one's Tatar Wikipedia User Page with My Tatarstan Contest Participant Template — if you are a newbie and are making some mistakes, experienced participants will show special patience even if you will unknowingly start breaking Tatar Wikipedia, plus it will be easier to help you with registering your articles or other contest related things.
- independently register created article in automatic quantitative criteria evaluation tool. To do this, when logged into your Wikipedia account, enter the Jury tool and make the following steps:
- start the dialogue by pressing blue [Submit] button
- confirm entering the system by pressing blue [Allow] button,
- in (Add on behalf of) window confirm that you are adding this on behalf of your own username by pressing blue [Next] button
- in (Article's title) window type the title of the added article & confirm it by pressing blue [Next] button
- in automatic creation date and article size verification window (if all marked green), confirm entering by pressing green [Add] button
- ask questions in Wiki-Tatarstan.tatar Telegram-channel — valuable answers will be published there and copied into Tatar Wikipedia Contest Talk Page FAQ section
- use ContentTranslation tool to simplify translation of existing articles from other Wikipedia language editions
Qualifying Articles
- Newly created by contest participant in the contest window
- match the contest themes
- contain at least 200 words and 2500 bytes of information
- Written in Literary Tatar in reference work / encyclopedic style
- not marked by critical problem user warning templates (See. General criteria for Reviewing pending changes).
- material covering new unique topic (Duplicates of existing articles are subject to speedy deletion, with valuable content to be merged into the pre-existing one, so doesn't count as new article):
- check its presence in one of thematic subcategories of Төркем:Татарстан (англ. Category:Tatarstan)
- or, before translating the material existing in the respective category tree in another language (for example in Bashkir, in English, in Russian, Turkish and others) — check if Tatar is already present in the linked articles of In other languages section — when in Desktop mode, left vertical navigation bar (under Wikipedia logo), lowest segment.
- article does not contain
- Vandalism,
- clear copyright violations
- non-compliance with standards for Biographies of living persons,
- non-grounded statements or

Nomination Jury is elected from participating volunteers of Tatar language User Group that
- have previous experience of Adminship duties in Tatar Wikipedia (current or ex- Administrators)
- were active in Tatar Wikipedia during the prior month
- are not banned/blocked in the project during the contest
Jury: Upon contest completion
- Accepts for evaluation articles meeting Minimal Requirements
- Evaluates articles in line with Assessment Table Criteria
- Calculates and publishes on the context page the overall table of articles and points on all participants (example)
Jury: Evaluation and Points
- The Jury in not held responsible for possible deletion of materials violating some project Policies and guidelines by whatever administrators and does not consider those for evaluation
- Gives points to articles included into the Jury tool (0 - no/Minimal, 1 - present/Ok, 2 - tasty/Good; Maximum of 26 per article) using the following parameters:
- Availability of simple and brief Intro segment, demonstrating Phenomenon notability
- Size
- Availability and quantity of pages, linking to the evaluated one
- Facts, stated in the article, must be referenced by citing Reliable sources the article is based on and making Inline citation to simplify their Verifiability
- Adequate Categorization
- Interlanguage link connecting it to an existing or a newly created Wikidata element
- Adequate Wikification
- Presence of Infoboxes, Navigation and other appropriate Thematic templates
- Article is illustrated with pictures or other multimedia (special point for uploading new images into the language section or directly into Wikimedia Commons)
- Tatar language quality (Grammar, Orthography, Literary Norm)
- Encyclopedic writing style
- Neutral point of view
- Article Talk Page is marked by "My Tatarstan Context Article" and (if applicable) "Translated Article" templates like in example1 & example2 — communicating to all who and why created this page and where did the original text was translated from.
- Jury opinion is final and cannot be appealed.
- Place of the participant in the Results table is identified and Prize fund distribution between the finalists based on the sum of points they accumulate for articles created throughout the contest.

* About us
* Bylaws
* Certificates
Contest organizers team may include Russian and international Wikimedians, collectively meeting the following criteria:
- extensive administratorship experience on Wikimedia projects
- previous successful experience in organizing and conducting Russia-wide or centric and International Wiki-contests with global participation
- participation of experienced Wikimedians from Tatar language community.
Organizers: Before the contest
- develop infrastructure for project implementation:
- contest landing page
- necessary templates
- necessary categories
- principle contest category and its subcategories
- contest participants
- contest articles
- Fountain-based Jury tool accepting articles based on creation time and size
- Onwiki Backup Article Evaluation Table
- Onwiki Backup Participant Points Calculation Table (example for placing on User Talk page)
- Prepare a Contest Press Release in local language (copies in Tatar & in Russian)
Organizers: During the contest
- Support newbies in widely used messengers (WikiTatarstanTT@Telegram, @WhatsApp, @Facebook)
- Re-publishing valuable information on Contest Talk Page in Tatar Wikipedia:
- sample articles on various topics (my school, local memorable site, famous individual, event, organization, etc.)
- etc.
Organizers: Upon contest completion
- Requesting finalists to provide contact information & wiring them applicable prize money
- Publishing End of the Contest Press-Release (example1, example2, example3)
See also
- Tatar 4.0 - 2019 Report (Russian in Wikinews)
- Tatar 4.0 Organizing Guideline (Russian)
- Article Pageview stats